Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Rating: ★★★★★+

A Brief Summary: Attachments is a fiction novel staring Lincoln, a local newspaper’s IT guy. His job is to read through flagged emails and send warnings if need be. Until he comes across the emails being sent between Beth and Jennifer. They’re witty, they’re sharp and he enjoys reading what they have to say so he lets their emails continue without warning. Little did he know that he’d fall hard for Beth by just reading what she sent through her emails.

Favorite Quote: "October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pocket and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins."

Why You Should Read It: Imagine that you’re hungry. Imagine being the hungriest you’ve ever been for as far back as you can remember. Even hungrier than that. Pure ravenousness. Triple that. You’re absolutely starving on, just on the edge of death- and someone drops an ice cream sundae right in front of your nose. It’s creamy, its cold, its got hot fudge dripping off the sides and nuts sprinkled on top. So of course, you eat it. You haven’t seen food for days and ice cream has always been your favorite treat. So you eat and eat and eat until it’s gone and your left with nothing but an empty bowl and a stomach ache from hell. But you know it was worth every bite and you know that you feel better.

That’s kind of what reading a Rainbow Rowell novel is like. Something you knew you needed. Knew you craved. Something that fills you up until you hurt and then, when you hit the back cover, its gone. An empty bowl. A closed book.

Attachments left me breathless, with a heart calling out for more, like a stomach gurgling for more ice cream. (Luckily, I still have her newest book Landline to read… and some Blue Bell vanilla in the fridge.) In this book, and in the other two books I’ve read by Rowell, she captures your soul with her lovable characters and their complex stories. All her characters are real people. They come into your lives and you want to know them. You want to know everything about them.

Her writing is full of charm, wit, smarts and pop culture references. There isn’t a page that you won’t want to turn. Usually reading a book takes me a while, not this one or any of her other books that I’ve read. You won’t want to put it down! I recommend to everyone that they pick up Attachments as soon as possible.

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