Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How to Be Fat on a Daily Bases

1 Love Yourself

I want you to look in the mirror, throw your arms around yourself and shower the person you see in the glass with compliments and affection. “You’re beautiful!” “Your laugh is the loveliest sound I’ve heard in my life!” “I love you. I love you. I love you!” Before you focus any loving attention on anything else, focus on you. You are the most important person in your life and in the words of the great RuPaul, If you don’t love yourself how the hell you gonna love anybody else?

2 Take Care of Yourself

Rub Lotion on your skin. Eat that extra bit of something sweet. Sleep in a few minutes. Do your makeup extra special with that one lipstick that you really like. Pat your belly when you’re full because that means you’re healthy. See a doctor when you’re sick even though you know that they’ll blame what’s wrong with you on your weight. Take a few mental health days. Lie in the sun. Remember, you’re the most important person to you.

3 Flaunt it

People are looking at you because you’re gorgeous. You step into a room and their eyes are focused on you. Be the star, do your strut, act like the goddess you know you are. Confidence is key. Even if your hair is a wreck and you’re wearing sweat pants with stains, rock it. Constantly have the mindset that your hair is blowing in the wind and your favorite song is playing in your head.

4 Don’t Get Too Annoyed When People Whine About Being Fat

We’ve all been there. Skinny girl’s favorite thing to do is eat a fry and say they’re fat. Not only is it a little insulting, it’s a lie… But we can’t really blame them. In today’s society, girls are taught to hate their bodies. That girl hasn’t learned to love herself as much as you have and perhaps one day you can drop them a line and educate them on how hot they are, even if they are fat.

5 You Aren’t Taking Up Any More Space Than Anyone Else

I’ll admit that I even have a hard time following this step (mild crowd phobia thing going on). But it’s true. Everyone has their personal space and everyone deserves to have that space respected. Never get out of the way of someone walking in your direction, take up as much space as you need on a train and if someone makes you uncomfortable, let them know.

I’ve been a plump goddess my whole life. From the cradle to the grave I’ll have cellulite, rolls and curves for days. Some would say that isn’t a positive thing. I say fuck that. Eating is good, loving yourself is better and confidence is key. Follow the 5 steps listed above and I promise that you’ll love more freely, feel better in your skin and really not care about what people think.




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